Dissociation is the creative solution responding to the experience of early trauma by people high in hypnotizability.

Symptoms include:

  •  memory problems (amnesia),
  •  depersonalization (changed experience of self or body)
  •  derealization (world seems unreal or strange)
  •  flashbacks (sudden intrusive memories)
  •  somatoform symptoms (with medical basis)
  •  trance (staring off into space, being unaware of surroundings)
  •  identity confusion (internal feelings of division, conflict)
  •  voices (auditory voices in your head)
  •  ego alien experiences ( odd & confusing intrusions from within that influence what you say or do)
  •  self-states (partial or full awareness of the presence of separate parts in your head that are separate from you)
  •  self alteration (suddenly feeling very different from usual self)
  • discontinuity of time (losing time, or “coming to” discovering you have done things that you do not remember doing)
  •  disremembered actions (being told by others of things that you have done but you have no memory of doing)


Treatment includes a focus on emerging attachment issues in a safe environment. The unresolved attachment needs are explored with the goal of developing realistic, healthy solutions. As the traumatic memories emerge that ruptured the development of a cohesive sense of self, healing is pursued towards trying to resolve the unintegrated experiences of the self(s).

Contracting and keeping agreements between parts of the personality is central to resolving these conflicts and a willingness to get better. The system must implement a new set of rules including acceptance, respect, communication and cooperation.


  •  strengthening the self
  •  resolving attachment issues
  •  developing affect management skills
  •  developing interpersonal problem solving skills
  •  resolving adult developmental issues
  •  developing a cohesive and realistic sense of self, meaning and purpose